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e-Science 기반 고성능 테스트베드 망 구축 개발 연구
Alternative Title
A Study on the Construction of the High-Performance Networking Testbed for e-Science
Alternative Author(s)
Byeon, Ock-Hwan; Gwak, Jae-Seung; Gong, Jung-Wook; Lee, Man-Hee; Moon, Jung-Hoon; Jung, Sang-Gil; Cha, Gwang-Ho; Gwon, Yoon-Ju; Lee, Hyuk-Ro; Kim, Dong-Gyoon; Jo, Geum-Won; Kim, Jung-Ho; Seok, Woo-Jin; Jo, Jin-Yong
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 국무조정실
III. 연구개발의 내용 및 범위
o 광대역 유무선네트워크 설계 및 구축
- 상호 네트워크 연동: 4개 기관(KISTI, KARI, KRIBB, KIGAM)
- 유선망 대역폭: 최대 10Gbps 기준
- 무선망 대역폭: 최대 1.25Gbps 기준(무선 LAN 기술 활용: 54Mbps, FSO(Free Space Optics) 무선 레이저 통신: 1.25Gbps)
o 첨단 네트워크 엔지니어링 기술 시험 적용
- IPv6: IPv6 enable 기술적용 및 국내외 IPv6망 연동
- QoS 자원 할당시스템 시험적용
- 망 트래픽 성능 분석기술 시험 적용
- 멀티캐스트 기반 다자간 협업 인프라 구축
o 시범 응용 서비스
- 분산 병렬환경의 항공기 시뮬레이션 및 성능 분석
- 초대형 유한요소해석 기술을 이용한 자원탐사자료의 고속처리 및 영상화 구현

This project aims at the establishment of the local high performance scientific network based on the e- Science project initiated by the people in Daeduk Research Complex, and also aims at the new deployment of the technologies which can show the way the national KREONET has to go. All of these works are based on the construction of a testbed for the high performance scientific
collaborative infrastructure supporting national e- Science and Grid project. We have seen the possibilities of the expansive uses of the services like IPv6, QoS, Traffic Measurement, and the use of applied applications through the Optical Testbed with 10/1.25 Gbps link speed, which has a wireless link and connects KISTI, KARI, KIGAM, and KRIBB. The testbed and results from this
project will be used for the studies of the advanced scientific collaborative applications of many institutes. This project needs more concerns and additional supports from the government since it should evolve to be a high performance scientific research network which will be able to make all academic research institutes to be connected for the e- Science.
초고속연구망; 그리드; 과학기술지역망; 차세대망; 테스트베드망; 협업인프라; KREONET; Grid; Science and Technology Regional Network; Next Generation Network; Testbed Network; Collaborative Infrastructure
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2003
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