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Showing results 2781 to 2800 of 7601

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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2016-06-01Review on Graph Clustering and Subgraph Similarity Based Analysis of Neurological DisordersJaya ThomasLee Sael서동민1236
2005-138 RFID - RFID 활성화 추진을 위한 정책적 시사점 발굴.pdf.jpg2005-11-30RFID : RFID 활성화 추진을 위한 정책적 시사점 발굴박선영이은곤권영일895
2013-12-01RFID based Indoor Location Tracking to Ensure the Safety of the Elderly in Smart Home Environments김수철박상오정영식963
2009-128 Rich interfaced R&D SWHW ASP Service System Plan.pdf.jpg2009-11-30Rich interfaced R&D SW/HW ASP Service System Plan홍정우761
2013-08-09Right-handed current contributions in B to K pi decays조기현남수현987
2017-07-19Rigidity-Induced Delayed Fluorescence by Ortho Donor-Appended Triarylboron Compounds: Record-High Efficiency in Pure Blue Fluorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes이영훈이민형박성희신종원오지훈유성협정재훈1188
2011-11-03Ring polymers as model bacterial chromosomes: confinement, chain topology, single chain statistics, and how they interact정영균949
2018-03-15RnD cost-down 항목 추천 방법 및 그 장치김찬호김은선최윤정김지은이명주967
2018-08-13RnD 품질 검증 방법 및 장치김찬호김은선최윤정이명주김지은1267
2019-05-08Role of quantum confinement in 10nm-scale perovskite optoelectronics류훈홍기하김한슬홍석민1113
2020 JISTaP 8(1)-33-44.pdf.jpg2020-03-30Roles of the Faculty and Librarian in the Collaborative Relationships at Vietnamese Universities: A Qualitative MethodologyNguyen, Lan ThiTuamsuk, Kulthida1391
2006-053 RRDTool을 기반으로 한 MRTG 및 WeatherMap 시스템 구축.pdf.jpg2006-07-21RRDTool을 기반으로 한 MRTG 및 WeatherMap 시스템 구축 가이드조광종731
2017-11-01Runtime prediction of parallel applications with workload-aware clustering박주원김은혜1210
S&T DATA 제2호(단면-Web).pdf.jpg2023-04-30S&T DATA: ChatGPT한국과학기술정보연구원288
S&T DATA 3호-(웹용).pdf.jpg2023-07-31S&T DATA: DATA WARS한국과학기술정보연구원312
KISTI SnT DATA 제4호_단면.pdf.jpg2023-11-30S&T DATA: 데이터 거래 시장한국과학기술정보연구원327
SnT Data 웹용(1226).pdf.jpg2022-12-26S&T DATA: 데이터 기술과 경제한국과학기술정보연구원708
KISTI S&T DATA 제5호.pdf.jpg2024-03-31S&T DATA: 산업 데이터 패권 경쟁한국과학기술정보연구원559
2011-01S&T GPS 2010 총람 글로벌 S&T 정책동향·분석 2010-2011597
2016-12S&T 매크로모니터링 및 과학지식의 영향력 측정 연구기반 구축750
