| 2005-08-24 | Optimum dopant content of n-type 95% Bi2Te3 + 5% Bi2Se3 compounds fabricated by gas atomization and extrusion process | 홍순직; 이윤석; 천병선 | 657 |
 | 2010-12-18 | Organic wavelength-converting-film-based hybrid planar white light-emitting diodes | 유형선 | 1124 |
 | 2016-06-30 | Organizational Culture And Emotional Intelligence As Predictors Of Job Performance Among Library Personnel In Academic Libraries In Edo State, Nigeria | Magnus O. Igbinovia; S.O. Popoola | 1978 |
 | 2013-12-31 | Organizational Justice and the Intent to Share: Knowledge Sharing Practices among Forensic Experts in Turkey | Ahmet Can; Suliman Hawamdeh | 1255 |
 | 2004-11-10 | OSCAR 2.2.1 클러스터 설치 가이드 | 홍태영; 홍정우; 조혜영 | 879 |
 | 2010-11-30 | Overlapping two self-avoiding polymers in a closed cylindrical pore: Implications for chromosome segregation in a bacterial cell | 정영균; 하배연 | 968 |
 | 2015-07-13 | Overview of the Cancer Genetics and Pathway Curation tasks of BioNLP Shared Task 2013 | Sampo Pyysalo; 전홍우; 정성재 | 849 |
 | 2006-12-29 | P2P 네트워크: 차세대 인터넷 기술과의 접목을 위한 이슈분석 | 김기일; 동향정보분석팀 | 858 |
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 | 2018-12-01 | Packstack을 이용한 Openstack 환경 구축 보고서 : ver.1.0 | 조혜영 | 1236 |
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 | 2013-09-04 | Parameter estimation for compact binary coalescence signals with the first generation gravitational-wave detector network | LIGO-Virgo Scientifi; 강궁원 | 994 |
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 | 2010-11-30 | ParaView 병렬 가시화 시스템을 활용한 거대 과학 데이터의 가시화 | 이중연 | 999 |
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 | 2007-04-28 | Parker Instability in a Self-Gravitating Magnetized Gas Disk. I. Linear Stability Analysis | 이상민; 홍승수 | 857 |
 | 2011-06-02 | Parker Instability in a Self-Gravitating Magnetized Gas Disk. III. Nonlinear Development of the Parker Instability | 이상민 | 1025 |
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 | 2015-08-17 | Part-whole 관계를 이용한 제품의 혁신 수준 측정 방법 및 시스템 | 여운동; 김선호; 박현우; 강재우; 고병열 | 896 |