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Showing results 3552 to 3571 of 7601

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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2011-12-18U-Compare bio-event meta-service: compatible BioNLP event extraction servicesYoshinobuKano전홍우983
2014-11-14U-health smart system architecture and ontology model김진박상오1297
2009-07-31u-TransitNET: Researches on the User-Controlled Path-Shortening for the reduction of the Path-Delay in Detoured R&E Networks박형우김상완이종숙장행진조금원1120
2005-11U-헬스 : U-헬스 환경에서 보건·의료 서비스 공급자의 이슈510
2005-123 U-헬스 U-헬스 환경에서 보건∙의료 서비스 공급자의 이슈.pdf.jpg2005-11-30U-헬스 : U-헬스 환경에서 보건∙의료 서비스 공급자의 이슈전승표박창걸박래웅850
2006-11Ubiquitous Sensors와 Broadband Convergency610
2008-152 UCLP프로젝트의 변화방향 조사 분석.pdf.jpg2008-11-21UCLP 프로젝트의 변화방향 조사/분석홍원택공정욱802
2004-10UDDI 기반 생명정보 웹 서비시스 시스템 개발565
2010-137 UK e-Science 현황 조사 보고서.pdf.jpg2010-10-01UK e-Science 현황 조사 보고서이종숙778
2007-084 UML 기반의 Dragon 분석 및 적용.pdf.jpg2007-10-30UML 기반의 DRAGON 분석 및 적용홍원택김민아공정욱899
2007-089 Uncompressed HD(V) Media Transport System.pdf.jpg2007-06-10Uncompressed HD(V) Media Transport System - Installation Guide조진용881
E1JSCH_2017_v5n1_6.pdf.jpg2017-03-30Understanding Information Culture: Conceptual and Implementation IssuesGillian Oliver1481
E1JSCH_2017_v5n4_26.pdf.jpg2017-12-29Understanding Information Sharing Among Scientists Through a Professional Online Community: Analyses on Interaction Patterns and ContentsEun-Ja ShinGuiohk LeeHeeyoon Choi1327
2016-07-14Understanding the Dynamic Convergence Phenomenon from the Perspective of Diversity and Persistence심위김근환권오진문영호1193
2018-02-06Understanding the Effects of Au Morphology on CO2 Electrocatalysis백서인정유성염민선1186
2019-09-19Unexpected compensatory increase in Shank3 transcripts in Shank3 knock-out mice having partial deletions of exons강효진한기훈김윤희이연금장인화강혜림진춘매1790
Tan_Na_Duraisamy_v7n1_52-71.pdf.jpg2019-03-30Unified Psycholinguistic Framework: An Unobtrusive Psychological Analysis Approach Towards Insider Threat Prevention and DetectionTan, Sang-SangNa, Jin-CheonDuraisamy, Santhiya1306
(기술)Untact 실감형 XR 플랫폼 기술 관련 국내외 현황분석.pdf.jpg2020-11Untact 실감형 XR 플랫폼 기술 관련 국내외 현황 분석김민아황규현1243
2012-02-24Unusual Non-magnetic Metallic State in Narrow Silicon Carbon Nanoribbons by Electron or Hole DopingPingLou이진용1051
2014-04-23Updated cross section measurement of e(+)e(-)-> K(+)K(-)J/Psi and K(s)(0)K(s)(0)J/Psi via initial state radiation at BelleC.P.Shen김정현조기현1071
