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Showing results 5 to 8 of 8

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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2012-12-31Nanotechnology policy in Korea for sustainable growth소대섭김창우1133
2014-10-25The innovation policy of nanotechnology development and convergence for the new Korean government배성훈강상규김창우신광민임정선1225
2011-12나노기술정책지원을 위한 전략정보 및 정보분석체계 구축최붕기김창우강상규소대섭이창환임정선김흥종신광민이선영정현우김승종조민재현성필손민경916
2015-064 나노특허동향_2014년 주요5개국.pdf.jpg2015-04-01나노특허동향 - 2014년 주요 5개국 및 PCT특허윤진선배성훈신광민강상규김창우990
