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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
E1JSCH_2015_v3n3_75.pdf.jpg2015-09-30Growth Analysis of Cancer Biology Research, 2000-2011KeshavaB.N. ThimmaiahK.B. Agadi1131
E1JSCH_2015_v3n3_17.pdf.jpg2015-09-30Imported Expertise in World-class Knowledge Infrastructures: The Problematic Development of Knowledge Cities in the Gulf RegionAdriana KosiorJulia BarthJulia GremmAgnes MainkaWolfgang G. Stock1517
E1JSCH_2015_v3n3_6.pdf.jpg2015-09-30Information Worlds and Interpretive Practices: Toward an Integration of DomainsGary Burnett1378
E1JSCH_2015_v3n3.pdf.jpg2015-09-30JISTaP Vol.3 No.3Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information1310
E1JSCH_2015_v3n3_45.pdf.jpg2015-09-30Modeling the Growth of Neurology LiteratureGururaj S. HadagaliGavisiddappa Anandhalli1260
