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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
E1JSCH_2018_v6n1_65.pdf.jpg2018-03-30Citation Impact of Collaboration from Intra- and Inter-disciplinary Perspectives: A Case Study of KoreaJae Yun LeeEunKyung Chung981
E1JSCH_2018_v6n1_18.pdf.jpg2018-03-30Interlinking Open Government Data in Korea using Administrative District Knowledge GraphHaklae Kim997
E1JSCH_2018_v6n1.pdf.jpg2018-03-30JISTaP Vol.6 No.1Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information1108
E1JSCH_2018_v6n1_6.pdf.jpg2018-03-30Knowledge Management Initiative: A Case Study of the National Library of BangladeshNazmin SultanaSK Mamun Mostofa1274
E1JSCH_2018_v6n1_31.pdf.jpg2018-03-30Measurement of Global Nursing Research Output: A Bibliometric Study (1996-2015)Shivendra SinghRamesh Pandita1101
E1JSCH_2018_v6n1_45.pdf.jpg2018-03-30Synchronous and Asynchronous Engagement in Virtual Library Services as Learning Support Systems from the Perspectives of Post-Graduate Students: A Case Study-Graduate Students: A Case StudyReysa AlenzuelaYelizaveta Kamilova1316
