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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
E1JSCH_2014_v2n2_48.pdf.jpg2014-06-30Information Provision to the Visually Impaired in Alternative Formats in Nigeria: Are Public Libraries Up to the Task?Niran Adetoro1425
E1JSCH_2014_v2n2_59.pdf.jpg2014-06-30Internet Access and Use among Students of Physical Education: A Study of Kurukshetra University, KurukshetraRajender Kumar1396
E1JSCH_2014_v2n2.pdf.jpg2014-06-30JISTaP Vol.2 No.2Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information1381
E1JSCH_2014_v2n2_33.pdf.jpg2014-06-30Mobile User Behavior Pattern Analysis by Associated Tree in Web Service EnvironmentKrishna K. MohbeyG.S. Thakur1243
E1JSCH_2014_v2n2_6.pdf.jpg2014-06-30The Impact of Name Ambiguity on Properties of Coauthorship NetworksJinseok KimHeejun KimJana Diesner1398
