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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
E1JSCH_2013_v1n2_36.pdf.jpg2013-06-30Analysis of Bloggers' Influence Style within BlogLuke Kien-Weng TanJin-Cheon Na1432
E1JSCH_2013_v1n2_16.pdf.jpg2013-06-30Beyond Categories: A Structural Analysis of the Social Representations of Information Users' Collective Perceptions on 'Relevance'Boryung JuDaniel O. O'Connor1394
E1JSCH_2013_v1n2_84.pdf.jpg2013-06-30Deriving the Properties of Object Types for Research Data Relation ModelSuntae Kim1359
E1JSCH_2013_v1n2.pdf.jpg2013-06-30JISTaP Vol.1 No.2Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information1290
E1JSCH_2013_v1n2_58.pdf.jpg2013-06-30Patterns of Citing Korean DOI Journals According to CrossRef's Cited-by Linking and a Local Journal Citation DatabaseTae-Sul SeoEun-Gyeong JungHwanmin Kim1433
E1JSCH_2013_v1n2_69.pdf.jpg2013-06-30Preference and Use of Electronic Information and Resources by Blind/Visually Impaired in NCR Libraries in IndiaShailendra KumarGareema Sanaman1325
E1JSCH_2013_v1n2_6.pdf.jpg2013-06-30Principles for Helpful Sequence and Deduction of Knowledge Organization Systems - An Exploratory StudyA.Y. Asundi1489
