Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
This study aims to develop ontologies regarding cultural knowledge of Thai-Khmer textiles by applying the Knowledge Engineering Methodology to build upon the ontologies. The process includes 1) generating the ontologies’ objectives, 2) building ontologies, and 3) evaluating the ontologies. The researchers used OntOlogies Pitfall Scanner (OOPS!) to minimize defects and asked two experts to evaluate the ontologies’ design. Protégé was used to design the ontologies, and WIDOCO was used to present the ontologies through the World Wide Web. It was found that the developed ontology consists of two classes, 16 sub-classes, and 16 relationships. The ontologies assessment found that there were seven items to fix according to the OOPS! software. Apart from the assessment program, the experts mentioned that all five aspects were suitable; namely, the ontology design was evaluated at 4.51 (Likert), the process of identifying scopes of definitions and objectives of development was 4.61, the applications and guidelines for further development was 4.58, the process of forming classes was 4.53, and the process of generating class’s properties was 4.50.
ontologies of cultural knowledge in Thai-Khmer textiles; ontologies; culture in Thai-Khmer textiles; OntOlogies Pitfall Scanner
Journal Title
Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice;Volume 11 Issue 2