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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2019 JISTaP 7(3).pdf.jpg2019-09JISTaP Vol.7 No.3Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information1475
Jareonruen_V7(3)_52-64.pdf.jpg2019-09-30Lifecycle and Requirements for Digital Collection Management of Thai Theses and DissertationsJaroenruen, YuttanaTuamsuk, Kulthida1797
Shaburova_V7(3)_21-30.pdf.jpg2019-09-30Operational Experience in DB “TERMIN"Shaburova, Natalya Nikolaevna1608
Mehrjoo_V7(3)_31-39.pdf.jpg2019-09-30Optimal Diversity of Recommendation List for Recommender Systems based on the Users’ Desire DiversityMehrjoo, SaeedMehrjoo, MehrdadHajipour, Farahnaz1736
