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Recent Results on Hadronic B decays from Belle
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Charmless hadronic B decays are suppressed compared to other hadronic B decays and hence can be excellent probes for new physics beyond the Standard Model. We present recent results from Belle on B ⊇ hh decays where h is a pion or a kaon of Charmless hadronic B decays are suppressed compared to other hadronic B decays and hence can be excellent probes for new physics beyond the Standard Model. We present recent results from Belle on B ⊇ hh decays where h is a pion or a kaon of any charge, and B ⊇ 즤즟 decays. The data samples are collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB e+e− collider operating at the 즋(4S ) resonance. The B ⊇ hh results, including the branching fractions and CP asymmetries, are based on a full Belle data sample of 772 million B≤B pairs, while the B ⊇ 즤즟 results are based on 657 million BB pairs. any charge, and B ⊇ 즤즟 decays. The data samples are collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB e+e− collider operating at the 즋(4S ) resonance. The B ⊇ hh results, including the branching fractions and CP asymmetries, are based on a full Belle data sample of 772 million B≤B pairs, while the B ⊇ 즤즟 results are based on 657 million BB pairs.
B meson; B physics; Rare Bdecays; Hadronic Bdecays; Belle experiment; Big Data computing
Journal Title
Nuclear physics. B, Proceedings, supplements
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 학술지 발표논문
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