The possibility of an inducement of fluid flow by a geometrical channel structure and the effects of the contraction ratio on the dynamics of a single Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) chain in static channels of linearly varying cross-sectional area are investigated by using a dissipative particle dynamics simulation. Frozen DPD wall particles supporting these static channels interact with the fluid DPD particles such as DPD solvent particles and a DPD chain in the fluid domain. The density profiles, the velocity profiles, and the probability distribution of the DPD solvent particles and those of a single DPD chain are calculated for several contraction ratios which are defined as the ratio of the side lengths of two squares at the leftmost and the rightmost simulation domain. A static channel structure of linearly varying cross-sectional area induces a fluid flow, which moves from the region of small cross-section of a channel to the region of large cross-section of a channel.