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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
Miksa_McLain_v7n2_54-64.pdf.jpg2019-06-30A Theory of Public KnowledgeMiksa, Shawne D.McLain, Chinami1304
Lee_v7n2_32-39.pdf.jpg2019-06-30Facial Data Visualization for Improved Deep Learning Based Emotion RecognitionLee, Seung Ho1391
Zimmer_Scheibe_Stock_Stock_v7n2_40-53.pdf.jpg2019-06-30Fake News in Social Media: Bad Algorithms or Biased Users?Zimmer, FranziskaScheibe, KatrinStock, MechtildStock, Wolfgang G.2817
Razumova_Kuznetsov_v7n2_23-31.pdf.jpg2019-06-30Impact of Open Access Models on Citation MetricsRazumova, Irina K.Kuznetsov, Alexander1221
Engerer_v7n2_6-22.pdf.jpg2019-06-30Information Systems in Interdisciplinary Research: Analytic and Holistic Ways to Access Information Science KnowledgeEngerer, Volkmar P.1379
E1JSCH_2019_v7n2.pdf.jpg2019-06-30JISTaP Vol.7 No.2Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information1162
