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재난안전정보 공동활용 플랫폼 구축 방안 연구
한국과학기술정보연구원 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부 funder : KA
▪ 재난안전정보 통합플랫폼 구축을 위한 PMO 체계 운영
▪ 재난안전정보 공동활용 플랫폼 구축 기본 방향 정립
- 재난안전정보 공유 플랫폼 구축 단계별 로드맵 수립
- 재난안전정보 공유 플랫폼 실행화 추진 전략 수립(플랫폼 활용 확대 전략)
▪ 재난안전정보 공동활용 플랫폼 기반기술 연구(표준화 측면)
- 재난안전 유관기관 보유 정형․비정형 데이터 간 상호 연동 및 융합 기술 연구
- DOI 기반의 재난안전 유관기관 보유자료 식별 적용 방안 수립
▪ 재난안전정보를 활용한 빅데이터 기반 재난안전정보 서비스 적용 방안 연구
- 빅데이터 분석 플랫폼 및 빅데이터 기반 재난안전정보서비스 시나리오 수립
(출처 : 요약서 3p)
Purpose & Contents
ㅇ (Purpose)Development of an efficient and integrated disaster management platform enhancing disaster management for effective utilization
ㅇ Design an efficient big data management strategy of the disaster mitigation and relief for public and private use
ㅇ Design of disaster related big data support and management system for public and private use
ㅇ Design of the standardization for disaster and emergency risk management based on unstructured and structured big data
ㅇ Assign a disaster related unique digital object identifier (DOI) by the international registration agency (KISTI)
ㅇ Development of a flexible and scalable platform that makes disaster prevention and recovery
ㅇ A study on disaster response and assistance platform as a service
ㅇ Design of effective PMO operation and managements.
ㅇ Design of a driven roadmapping process as a new way of developing an integrated disaster management service concepts and defining core technologies.
ㅇ Design of system architecture and core technologies for the platform
ㅇ Steps to developing disaster big data sharing platform
ㅇ Design of the standardization for disaster and emergency risk management based on unstructured and structured big data
ㅇ Making identified big data set from the disaster related institutions
ㅇ Making disaster scenario design and platform use cases
ㅇ Design a guidance that enables effective use for supporting a collaborative effective disaster management to disaster impacted state, and local government.
Expected Contribution
ㅇ Widespread development of the national disaster management platform for efficient disaster mitigation and relief, advances in disaster related big data management and building a proper disaster prevention (accurate prediction and preparation)
ㅇ Supporting better understand the response of abrupt disaster, and the obstacles to disaster control and the challenges faced by local governments or states that pursue disaster assistance.
ㅇ Providing valuable knowledge through convergence of various big data related to multiple types of disaster
ㅇ Response grand scale governmental or private sector risk to the enhanced management towards disaster issues including recovery, prevention, particularly for sudden incidents that are largescale or catastrophic situation.
(출처 : SUMMARY 5p)
재난안전정보; 재난안전관리; 정보 표준화; 플랫폼; 빅데이터; Disaster & Safety Information; Disaster & Safety Management; Information Standardization; Platform; Big Data