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중소·중견기업의 R&D 및 사업화 지원체제 구축
Alternative Title
R&D and Commercialization support systems for SMEs
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
○ 산업⋅시장분석 방법론 연구 및 인프라 기반 구축 연구
- PEST 분석의 각 요소의 텍스트 내 문장 분류 기반을 확립 및 긍부정의 감성 분석 체계 확립
- 산업시장 인텔리전스 시스템(KMAPS)만의 공공 통계정보를 활용한 산업구조 분석 및 산업·시장 환경을 분석할 수 있는 체제 구축
○ 산업⋅시장분석 서비스 기반 구축 연구
- 중소·중견기업의 R&D 및 사업화를 위한 제품·아이템 포지셔닝 정보 제공 프레임 구축(Market Board)
- KISTI Market Report 서비스 효율화
○ 유망아이템 발굴 방법론 및 지식베이스 구축
- 유망 신사업탐색과 성과 모니터링 및 추적에 적합한 평가지표 개발
- 사업가치 창출형 유망아이템 지식베이스 300건(누적) 구축
○ 중소기업 글로벌 업 전략지원의 효율성 개선
- KISTI 중소기업 글로벌 진출 타당성 평가 모형 개선(10개 기업 글로벌 진출 지원) ○ 적응형 시장 및 사업성 평가체계 개발 및 확산
- 기술가치평가 Context에 적절한 예측모델기반의 매출 추정 연구
- STAR-Value 시스템 기술이전 및 시스템 활용 교육을 통한 기술가치평가 실무역량 강화

Ⅲ. Content and Result of the study
○ Research on the methods for industry & market analysis and establishment of infrastructures
- Through the study of sentence classification and emotional analysis system for industry analysis based on text mining, establishment the basis of sentence classification in text of each element of PEST analysis
- Establishment of an emotional analysis system using sentence classification system - Based on the proprietary methodology of analyzing the domestic market using the public statistical information of KMAPS’ unique logic, KSIC-HS links the past 8-year market size data of 5,200 items and the 4-year short term forecast information available. Providing system for analysis of industrial structure and industry & market environment through corporate financial DB and transaction information, and systemizing R&D planning information infrastructure to support SMEs

○ Research on establishment of infrastructures in industry·market analysis service
- Establishment KISTI Market Board (KMB) which is a frame for providing product and item positioning information for R&D and commercialization for small and medium-sized enterprises, providing services classified the market formation, introduction product, and macro science product into market view and customer view with 100 kinds of technology commercialization and promising products.
- Expanded offline distribution channels to improve KISTI Market Report services’quality, and diversified information resources and increased accessibility for SMEs to find new business opportunities.

○ Development of the methodology for discovering promising business items and establishment of business item knowledge base for SMEs
- Development of new integrative indicators and framework for screening and evaluation of business items by applying technology, market, and the financial performance of the company
- Establishment of 300 business item knowledge base for SMEs consisting of high-level information from multi-dimensional viewpoints such as market information, competitor information, and business feasibility, and so on.

○ Improvement of the customized support service for SME’s global market entrance
- Improvement and application of a KISTI global market feasibility evaluation model for each SME
- Systematic and effective identification of the current status and needs of companies and the strategic support of the global expansion of 10 SMEs into various countries including China, Japan, Southeast Asia, USA, and Central and South America, etc.

○ Research of technology valuation models and those system development, and services
- Adaptive technology valuation models(model selection, guideline development of input variables, estimation method development of valuation results section, etc.) and system development(functional improvement from STAR-Value system ver4.0 in 2014 to ver4.5 in 2015, and concurrent update and public release of support information, demands reflection based on users' convenience such as reporting solutions, index of a firm's management analysis, newly embedment of beta-based WACC estimation method)
중소·중견기업; 연구개발; 사업화; 지원체제; 산업시장 지식서비스; 지식멘토링; SMEs; R&D; Commercialization; Supporting system; Industry and Market Knowledge service; Mentoring for SMEs
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2016
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