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Alternative Title
Construction of the National Science & Technology Information Service
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 미래창조과학부
funder : KA
agency : 한국과학기술정보연구원
agency : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
○ 연구내용 및 결과
- 국가R&D사업관리 체제지원, 과학기술인력정보 활용체계 구축,시설 • 장비 공동활용 관리지원,성과종합관리 지원,과학기술정보공통기반 구축의 5개 중점추진과제 수행
- 국가R&D지식정보 포털 정착 및 국가과학기술 지식인프라로의 도약을 위해 7대 고도화 전략과제,20개 개선과제 수행 (2010~2012)

IV. Outcome of the Project
This research aims at constructing the hase and application system for the National Science and Technology lnfonnation Service(NTIS). In 2009, 7 key projects such as National R&D Program Management System, S&T Human Resource lnfonnation System, Equipment Sharing and Utilization System, Outcome Management System, Infrastructure for S&T lnfonnation, Technology and Industry Information System and Regional Technology Innovation System are developed. In addition, the detail application systems such as National R&D Participant Management System, Evaluator Management System, Equipment Management System, Equipment Specialist Management System, R&D Outcome Information Management System, National R&D Board, S&T Statistic System, S&T Information Distribution System, Standard Project Information Management, Information Security System were developed in 2IDl. The following outcomes are the results of key projects in 2009.
□ National R&D Program Management System
o Constructed Customized Analysis Service, One-Stop data sharing service
o Promote National R&D Information including sanction and announcement information
o Implementation of similar project search service that supports syothesized analysis
o National R&D Law service construction and enhancement of service functions
□ S&T Human Resource Information Management System
o Improvement of National R&D participant information service
o Human resource information english search service development to promote international cooperative research
o Project evaluator candidate recommendation service supplement
o Semantic based project evaluator candidate recommendation service and science and technology researcher register service development
□ Equipment Sharing and Utilization Management System
o Equipment and Facilities management service and experts managing service improvement
o Equipment and Facilities data quality improvement and information security reinforcement
o Data quality management maturity level diagnosis and adaptation of data quality managing system
o Composition and operation of cyber mentoring supporters and award excellent mentor
□ Outcome Management System
o Enbancement of outcome information contents and service
o Development of exclusive outcome material managing institute support function and manual verification support system for patent, engineering fee
o Construction of excellent and promising technology information DB, supplement of contents and service
o Construction of effective application of R&D outcome support system
□ Infrastructure for S&T Information Distribution Base

o National R&D information data cleansing and data quality management system enbancement
o NTIS information interconnection expanSIOn and realtime gathering ratio improvement
o NTIS integrated homepage and common service improvement
o NTIS governance system improvement(NTIS ISO 20000, ISO 27001 certification management and SOP document management service development)
o Settlement and stable service of national R&D standard information realtime gathering system
o Enbancement for a year-round gathering system support and development of program information register function
o Function improvement for gathering system change and standard item change
o Reflected requests from investigation and analysis on 2010
o Effectiveness management function development for gathered information from interconnected organization

o Construction of NTIS integrated security management system
o Construction of infonnation security system to protect personal information on file and web page
o Stablize service of NTIS information security system

o Improvement of national R&D Board Service
o Processing of Investigation and analysis data statistics of 2010 and supplement of En function

o Expanded statistical indicators for better understanding of global science and technology status
o Implemented history management function for managing change history of statistical indicators and related indicators
o Implemented web-based statistical data managing function for rapid and correct science and technology statistical information service

o Enhancement of customized analysis service
o Development of preceding R&D knowledge sharing service and construction of examplary precedence (research report) pilot DB
o Development of Crowd Sourcing Service(Open R&D Information Service)
o Construction of national R&D information Global Sharing system(Global Portal)
o Construction of National R&D infonnation sharing one-stop service based on national R&D infonnation sharing process
o Construction of national R&D information semantic based service(knowledge map, semantic based integrated search, a prototype of similar project search)
o Construction of knowledge map infrastructure
o Development of research note status management service to reinforce transparent research management
o Investigation of national R&D research cost information status and development of national R&D research cost information service
□ Technology and Industry Information Management System
o Expand and maintain of the latest information of investigation and analysis data related to 90 emphasized project and 364 detail technology
o Construction of national pending issue technology information interconnection and service including green growth and fusion technology
o Construction of a service including policy proposal, policy discussion, policy community to collect various policy opinion
□ Regional Technology Innovation System
o Expanded service indicators related to research and development activity investigation report
- added 8 indicators about research cost and 8 indicators about researchers
D Status Information; Analysis Information; Project Unique Number; Standardization; ITA; Data Cleansing; Oassification System; Identification System; Information Security; Human resources DB; Pool of evaluator; Research Equipment; crowd sourcing
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7. KISTI 연구성과 > 연구보고서 > 2010
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