□ 계량정보분석 기반 미래유망기술발굴
○ 계량정보분석시스템 ‘KnowledgeMatrix'개발
- 사회 네트웍 분석 모듈 개발, 최적 계층적 클러스터링 기법 구현, 3차원 FDP와 ThemeMap 알고리즘 연구 및 프로토타입 시스템 구현
○ 특허정보를 활용한 유망기술 선정
- 2009 유망기술 선정 및 심층분석
○ '뜨는 특허' 도출
- 고피인용 특허 선정 및 분석
○ 국가중점과학기술별 수준평가를 위한 논문·특허 분석
- 기술수준 평가지표 도출 및 수준분석
□ 미래 트렌드 탐색 체제 연구 개발
○ 이머징 트렌드 탐색 프로세스 연구
- 이머징 시그널 탐색 프로세스 개발
○ 이머징 시그널 발굴
- 이머징 시그널 35건 발굴
○ 글로벌동향브리핑 개발
- 글로벌동향브리핑 서비스
○ 정보확산체제 구축
- TLD 발간, RADAR 개편, MiSO 구축 운영
□ Exploring Promising Technology on the basis of Knowledge-metrics
○ Identifying promising technology field and building R&D planning infrastructure
- Development of scientometric system 'KnowledgeMatrix'
○ Providing scientometric information for supporting decision making of R&D planner
- Exploring and identifying emerging and promising research field
- Identifying 'Hot Patent', establishing identifying process and providing analysis service of it
- Analysis of paper and patent for level analysis of National Main Science and Technology
- Pilot analysis of paper of research agency under Korea Research Council Fundamental Science & Technology
□ A Research on a Exploring System for Future Trends
○ Producing Global Trend Briefing(GTB) information
- Development of Global Intelligence on Future Trends(GIFT) on the basis of monitoring, analyzing and evaluating system
- Producing Global Trend Briefing information on the basis of GIFT
○ Research on process of emerging trend and exploring emerging signal
- Research of process for exploring emerging trends(NEST) with statistics, brainstorming, delphi and another methods.
- Identifying emerging signal for promising technology by NEST
○ Establishing Information Dissemination System
- Establishing on- and off-line information dissemination system of promising technology and R&D environment
- Increasing core information user of promising technology and R&D environment
○ Raising Quality Satisfaction of information for promising technology
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
미래기술 탐색 및 분석 연구
A Research on Exploring and Analyzing Promising Technology for the Future