Song, Ha-Joong; Jo, Man-Hyung; Yoon, Ji-Woong; Lee, Hong-Jae; Lee, Hyun-Chul; Lee, Jong-Hwan; Kim, Ju-Gyung; Baek, Joon-Geun; Lee, Hyung-Jin; Jo, Geum-Won; Kim, Cha-Young; Kim, So-Young
한국과학기술정보연구원 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Publication Year
funder : 과학기술부 agency : 한국과학재단 agency : Korea Science and Engineering Foundtion
o해외동향과 우리의 장단점을 분석하여, 국가 비전으로서의 e-Science의 위상을 격상시키고, 국가차원에서 추진해야할 전략과제를 제시
o 이를 통해 세계적 수준의 사업으로서의 활용방안과 발전전략을 도출하여 이를 바탕으로 국가 e-Science 구축 사업 추진을 위한 전략과 정책방향을 설정
o The priority in R&D budget investment plan has been determined based on technological and economical aspects. The Terascale cyberinfrastructure has been the main motive for the decision from the technological aspect in many countries.
o The cyber-infrastructure has been recognized as a basic infrastructure for advancing science and technology even it does not have direct economical impacts.