본 연구의 목적은 지식정보의 효율적 창출?활용?확산이 국가기술혁신의 핵심요소로 등장함에 따라 지식기반 사회 성장과 혁신의 기반자원으로서 국내외 연구개발 정보의 체계적 수집 및 적시적 배포를 통해 국가 연구개발 생산성 향상을 지원하는 과학기술 u-Library 체제를 구축하고자 한다.
o 정보유통 기반 고도화 및 지식확산체제 구축
- 정보유통 기반연구, 프로세스 개선 및 신규 콘텐트 기획
- 산학연 협력 및 지식확산 체제 구축
- 글로벌 정보공유를 위한 협력네트워크 운영
o 국가 고유정보자원의 망라적 개발 및 공유체제 구축
- 국가 고유 정보자원의 망라적 개발 및 아카이빙
- 국가 학술정보 콘텐트 개발
- 국내 학$\cdot$협회정보화 지원사업 확대 및 전자원문 유통체제 구축
- 국가 고유정보 해외유통 프레임워크 및 시범서비스 체계 구축
o 해외 핵심정보자원 개발 및 공유체제 구축
- 해외 핵심정보자원의 전략적, 단계적 개발 및 아카이빙
- 영문$\cdot$일문$\cdot$중문 학술정보 메타데이터 개발
- 전자정보 도입의 경제성 제고를 위한 컨소시엄 추진 및 운영
- 국내 보유자원 공동활용을 위한 정보기관간 협력체제 구축
o 사실정보 데이터 수집, DB 개발 및 공동활용 체제 구축
- 사실정보, 생명정보 데이터 수집, DB 개발 및 공동활용 체제 구축
o 정보유통 시스템 개발 및 지원체제 구축
- 국내외 정보자원의 효율적인 관리 및 DB구축 기술 지원
- 글로벌서비스를 위한 전자적 정보유통 시스템 개발 및 운영
$\cdot$ Enhancement of information distribution infra and construction of knowledge diffusion system
- To plan and conduct basic research for enhancement of national STI distribution system
- To re-establish the road map for KISTI information resource development and policies
- Industrial/Academia/Research cooperation and knowledge dissemination(publishing Journal of Information Management, holding seminars, and conducting joint researches)
- To manage cooperation networks for domestic and overseas information sharing(including DDS, CDRS)
- To construct user monitoring systems and establish policy for promotion and marketing
- To intensify the analysis functions for National Available Resource Map
- To study on CJK information sharing system
$\cdot$ Development and connection for domestic information resources
- To develop comprehensively and archive national information resources(2,011 titles, 100$\percnt$)
- To develop national information content Bibliography and full-text journals DB of academic societies and associations : 128,000 records from 526 institutes
Collection of deposit technical reports and production of DB : 2,000 titles
- To expand and support academic societies/associations information and construct distribution system for full-text electronic journals
To support and sign MOU with academic societies/associations : new 30 academic societies and 20 associations(total of 526)
To supply and manage KISTI-ACOMS : new 30 societies
(total of 261)
To construct and manage homepages for academic societies : new 30 homepages(total of 172)
- To maintain and upgrade the functions on information systems for academic societies and associations
- To construct domestic Scholarly information DB in English and distribute Korean STI to the world
$\cdot$ Development and connection for overseas core information resources
- To achieve 80$\percnt$ of information accessibility by collecting and connecting overseas core information resources
16,000 titles of Journals, 2,200 items of conference proceedings,16,000 items of technical reports
- To construct collection and distribution system for high quality free of charge information produced by overseas important cooperation institutes
- To develop English, Japanese and Chinese metadata
3 million records of English records, 280,000 domestic English/Japanese/Chinese records, KEST CD
- To expand management of consortium(350 participating institutes)
Supply of KESLI content : 11,000 titles by 90 publishers, 280 DDS cooperation institutes
- To strengthen efficiency of consortium management and cooperation networking
To enlarge the condition consideration committee, and management of Association for National STI Distribution
- To collect and archive 15 full-text electronic journals
- To develop electronic information license model and analysis ofefficiency
$\cdot$Development of fact information and construction of public utilization system
- To construct, manage and connect chemical compound DB
- To enlarge and construct other fact information(FactGate) and Statistic material DB
- To construct, manage and connect biological diversity information
$\cdot$Development of information distribution system and construction of supporting system
- To improve and manage the library management system for holding materials(KIRIS)
- To construct and support academic papers and patent DB and expand the functions
- To develop consortium for electronic journals and license management system
- To manage and construct yesKISTI and NDSL DB
- To construct digital archiving and linking system
- To develop document delivery system and custom-made information service