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Showing results 2457 to 2476 of 7597

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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2020 JISTaP 8(3)-6-14.pdf.jpg2020-09-30N-ary Information Markets: Money, Attention, and Personal Data as Means of PaymentStock, Wolfgang G.1192
2011-05-23Nanoscale Spiral Flow in a Cylindrical Channel정영균1047
2012-07-03Nanotechnology convergence and modeling paradigm of sustainable energy system using polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell as a benchmark example정필승소대섭965
2012-12-31Nanotechnology policy in Korea for sustainable growth소대섭김창우1047
2019-06-27Narrow-band search for gravitational waves from known pulsars using the second LIGO observing runLIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration배상욱강궁원530
2015-01-21Narrow-band search of continuous gravitational-wave signals from Crab and Vela pulsars in Virgo VSR4 dataLIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration강궁원김남규김정리장행진1133
2019-07-30National Scientific Funding for Interdisciplinary Research: A Comparison Study of Infectious Diseases in the US and EU허요섭김근환강종석1127
2017-50 NCSA data curation 관련 및 기타 동향.pdf.jpg2017-11-01NCSA data curation 관련 및 기타 동향유진승704
2018-11-20NDN Construction for Big Science: Lessons Learned from Establishing a Testbed임헌국Alexander NiChristos PapadopoulosSusmit Shannigrahi고영배김다빈1117
2002-05-22NDSL 1주년 심포지엄 자료집508
2007-12NDSL DDS 사업수행 결과보고김정환최호남김재훈이승희1073
2006-12NDSL DDS 사업수행 결과보고514
2007-006 NDSL DDS 시스템지침서_협력기관 관리자용.pdf.jpg2007-01-01NDSL DDS 시스템 지침서-협력기관관리자용최호남김정환이승희965
2009-031 NDSL DDS 협력기관 관리자 시스템 지침서.pdf.jpg2009-12-03NDSL DDS 협력기관 관리자 시스템 지침서최현규유수현이선애용정순932
2016-03-08NDSL Open Service김재희1113
웹툰_NDSL-Open-Service.jpg.jpg2016-03-02NDSL Open Service김재희1217
2010-11NDSL Usability 테스팅(Usability Testing on NDSL)박민수856
제41호, NDSL 연구자 정보검색 유형 분석.pdf.jpg2014-05-31NDSL 연구자 정보검색 유형 분석이태석신수미유수현이선희이은정김혜선1359
NDSL 정보검색 품질 개선 및 무상 전자원문 제공 확대(20150521).pdf.jpg2015-05-21NDSL, 정보검색 품질 개선 및 무상 전자원문 제공 확대한국과학기술정보연구원834
NDSL, 지식발견형 서비스로 거듭난다(20161205).pdf.jpg2016-12-05NDSL, 지식발견형 서비스로 거듭난다한국과학기술정보연구원921
