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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
F_A_P_S_v6n4_6-16.pdf.jpg2018-12-30Citations to arXiv Preprints by Indexed Journals and Their Impact on Research EvaluationFerrer-Sapena, AntoniaAleixandre-Benavent, RafaelPeset, FernandaSanchez-Perez, Enrique A.1223
journal-11-4-40.pdf.jpg2023-12-30Publication Metrics and Subject Categories of Biomechanics JournalsKnudson, Duane Victor236
제2호, 국내 과학기술지식의 글로벌 확산 전략.pdf.jpg2009-09-04국내 과학기술지식의 글로벌 확산 전략서태설최현규815
