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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
E1JSCH_2013_v1n4_38.pdf.jpg2013-12-31Digital Libraries: Analysis of Delos Reference Model and 5S TheoryAbdulmumin IsahAthulang MutshewaBatlang Comma SeremaLekoko Kenosi1423
E1JSCH_2017_v5n4_39.pdf.jpg2017-12-29Gender Disparities in the Use of ICT: A Survey of Students in Urban SchoolsBasavaraja M.T.B.T. Sampath Kumar1645
2022ICT 융합 세이프 & 스마트 통학 시스템 개발사업원동규윤성서최유진이현명이지수박예라445
2003-10과학기술 지식정보인프라 발전 예측 및 KISTI 대응전략 연구이달곤정광호전주상김철회김이수허준영전성만806
