Browsing byKeywords : Big data

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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2018-10-01AmoebaNet: An SDN-enabled network service for big data scienceSYED ASIF RAZA SHAH노서영김진1241
2017-06-28ATMSim: a Hadoop and self-similarity-based simulator for collecting, detecting, measuring and analysing anomalous trafficH.J. Jeong이종숙M. JiM. RyuS. YeY. Cho1130
2017-08-05Big data and rule-based recommendation system in Internet of Things정한조최기석김기봉박민우박병화1376
2019-03-21FTLADS: Object-Logging Based Fault-Tolerant Big Data Transfer System Using Layout Aware Data SchedulingPREETHIKA KASU김영재SCOTT ATCHLEY박경석엄정호김태욱1131
2016-02-01Step-Down Spatial Randomness Test for Detecting Abnormalities in DRAM Wafers with Multiple Spatial Maps김병훈동승훈장인갑정명기정영선1062
2015-11-05System Informatics: From Methodology to ApplicationsKang Zhao김병훈1071
2016-07-26The effects of leadership by types of soccer instruction on big data analysisEun-Mi Park고미현Joung-Hae Seo1215
2019-04-30Toward a Policy for the Big Data-Based Social Problem-Solving Ecosystem: the Korean Context박성욱박문수595
2014-12빅데이터 기반 사회기술 분석모델 개발원동규유선희유형선1174
2017-12제4차 산업혁명 특화 지식 서비스(4IR Intelligence Service, 4IRIS) 프레임 설계 및 구현 방안 연구480
