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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
제16호, 2010년도 한국 과학자의 SCI 논문 계량분석.pdf.jpg2011-04-062010년도 한국 과학자의 SCI 논문 계량분석김완종노경란박민수최현규878
E1JSCH_2014_v2n3_40.pdf.jpg2014-09-30A Ten-year Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends in Three Leading Ecology Journals during 2003-2012G. SaravananJ. Dominic1173
E1JSCH_2013_v1n1_27.pdf.jpg2013-02-28Bibliometric Approach to Research Assessment: Publication Count, Citation Count, & Author RankKiduk YangJongwook Lee1392
E1JSCH_2015_v3n2_16.pdf.jpg2015-06-30Characteristics of a Megajournal: A Bibliometric Case StudyC. Sean Burns1398
2017-08-08Dominance and leadership in research activities: Collaboration between countries of differing human development is reflected through authorship order and designation as corresponding authors in scientific publicationsGregorio González-Alcaide ,Charles HuamaníJosé M. Ramos박진서1348
E1JSCH_2015_v3n4_35.pdf.jpg2015-12-30Global Tribology Research Output (1998 - 2012): A Macro Level Scientometric StudyB. ElangoP. Rajendran1408
E1JSCH_2014_v2n1_35.pdf.jpg2014-03-30Korea's STEM Research Analysis Based on Publications in the Web of Science, 1968-2012Byungkyu KimMinho SoSeon-Heui Choi1414
2012-07-01Scientific authorships and collaboration network analysis on Chagas disease: papers indexed in PubMed (1940-2009)곤잘레스박진서1071
E1JSCH_2016_v4n2_53.pdf.jpg2016-06-30Scientometrics Profile of Global Intellectual Property Rights ResearchD. GnanasekaranS. Balamurugan1228
E1JSCH_2017_v5n2_33.pdf.jpg2017-05-31The Manifold Research Fields of Facebook: A Bibliometric AnalysisKatsiaryna S. BaranGhaffari Hilda1545
제15호, 계량서지적 분석용 공개 소프트웨어 활용 방안.pdf.jpg2011-01-24계량서지적 분석용 공개 소프트웨어 활용 방안최선희김희정이재윤1165
