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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
ASTI Market Insight 101(전도성투명필름)-ISBN.pdf.jpg2022-12-01ASTI MARKET INSIGHT 101: 전도성 투명 필름조상훈373
DATA_INSIGHT-21호-감염병.pdf.jpg2022-11-30신.변종 감염병 대응 백신 개발을 위한 데이터기반 분석 연구손은수517
KISTI 이슈브리프 제49호.pdf.jpg2022-11-17마이데이터를 활용한 지자체 현안 해결 사례 - KISTI 마이데이터 플랫폼 구축 및 대전시 임산부 이동지원서비스김진영강남규860
KISTI 지식정보인프라 vol.87 (2022-가을).pdf.jpg2022-10-31지식정보인프라 87호한국과학기술정보연구원570
KISTI 이슈브리프 제48호.pdf.jpg2022-10-24포스트 퀀텀 시대의 안전한 통신 - Quantum KREONET -김용환이원혁809
## jistap_10-3통파일.pdf.jpg2022-09-30JISTaP Vol.10 No.3Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information1084
Cyber Social Interactions_ Information Behavior in Between Social and Parasocial Interactions.pdf.jpg2022-09-30Cyber Social Interactions: Information Behavior in Between Social and Parasocial InteractionsStock, Wolfgang G.Scheibe, KatrinZimmer, Franziska1027
Analyzing the Impact of Value Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention to Use E-Resources.pdf.jpg2022-09-30Analyzing the Impact of Value Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention to Use E-ResourcesKumar, VinodGarg, Ruchi JainVandana, VandanaZia, Adil870
Human Resources Management at the Library of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf.jpg2022-09-30Human Resources Management at the Library of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia during the COVID-19 PandemicFajriawati, AnisahLaksmi, Laksmi959
Predicting Online Learning Adoption_ The Role of Compatibility, Self-Efficacy, Knowledge Sharing, and Knowledge Acquisition.pdf.jpg2022-09-30Predicting Online Learning Adoption: The Role of Compatibility, Self-Efficacy, Knowledge Sharing, and Knowledge AcquisitionMshali, HaiderAl-Azawei, Ahmed954
An Exploratory Analysis of Online Discussion of Library and Information Science Professionals in India using Text Mining.pdf.jpg2022-09-30An Exploratory Analysis of Online Discussion of Library and Information Science Professionals in India using Text MiningGarg, MohitKanjilal, Uma1040
Awareness and Perceptions of Korean Researchers on Open Access.pdf.jpg2022-09-30Awareness and Perceptions of Korean Researchers on Open AccessCha, MikyeongPyo, Soon HeeKim, Hye SunKim, Wan JongLee, Eun Jee879
DATA_INSIGHT-20호-검색과 쇼핑 데이터를 중심으로 살펴본 코로나19에 의한 사회적 영향.pdf.jpg2022-09-30검색과 쇼핑 데이터를 중심으로 살펴본 코로나19에 의한 사회적 영향전승표이철이재성389
KISTI이슈브리프 제47호.pdf.jpg2022-09-19글로벌 사회문제 해결을 위한 한국의 대응 : 지속가능발전목표(SDGs), 한국은 어디까지 왔나?서주환박진서전승표권태훈안세정1275
KISTI 이슈브리프 제46호.pdf.jpg2022-08-22초고성능컴퓨팅인프라 클라우드 서비스 구축을 위한 제언오광진정기문조혜영박준영박경석916
KISTI 이슈브리프 제45호.pdf.jpg2022-08-01디지털 전환 대응 디지털 큐레이션 전략이혜진김재훈현미환1162
KISTI 지식정보인프라 vol.86 (2022-여름).pdf.pdf.jpg2022-07-29지식정보인프라 86호한국과학기술정보연구원808
ASTI MARKET INSIGHT 100(0712).pdf.jpg2022-07-25ASTI MARKET INSIGHT 100: 증강현실(AR)박종규970
ASTI MARKET INSIGHT 099(0712).pdf.jpg2022-07-24ASTI MARKET INSIGHT 99: 디지털 테라퓨틱스 시스템이준우817
ASTI MARKET INSIGHT 098(0712).pdf.jpg2022-07-23ASTI MARKET INSIGHT 98: 췌장암 치료제이준우769
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 381
