| 2017-11-02 | A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant | The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and The Virgo Collaboration etal; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1217 |
 | 2019-03-31 | A study on performance degradation when using Singularity container of HTCondor scheduler | 류건모; 윤희준; 배상욱; 노서영 | 607 |
 | 2019-07-08 | All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO O2 data | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; 배상욱; 강궁원 | 836 |
 | 2019-05-14 | All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave transients in the second Advanced LIGO observing run | 배상욱; 강궁원; LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration | 712 |
 | 2017-09-12 | All-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the O1 LIGO data | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1121 |
 | 2019-07-11 | All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the second Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; 배상욱; 강궁원 | 813 |
 | 2018-05-08 | Constraints on cosmic strings using data from the first Advanced LIGO observing run | B.P. Abbott et al.; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1157 |
 | 2017-12-01 | Estimating the Contribution of Dynamical Ejecta in the Kilonova Associated with GW170817 | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1098 |
 | 2019-05-01 | First Measurement of the Hubble Constant from a Dark Standard Siren using the Dark Energy Survey Galaxies and the LIGO/Virgo Binary–Black-hole Merger GW170814 | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; 배상욱; 강궁원 | 790 |
 | 2018-01-19 | First Search for Nontensorial Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars | B.P. Abbott et al.; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 980 |
 | 2018-05-11 | Full band all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the O1 LIGO data | B.P. Abbott et al.; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1216 |
 | 2017-10-20 | Gravitational Waves and Gamma-Rays from a Binary Neutron Star Merger: GW170817 and GRB 170817A | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration(1316 authors); 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1073 |
 | 2017-06-06 | GW170104: Observation of a 50-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence at Redshift 0.2 | LIGO Scientific and VIRGO Collaborations (1048 authors); 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1206 |
 | 2017-10-06 | GW170814: A Three-Detector Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Coalescence | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1043 |
 | 2018-02-28 | GW170817: Implications for the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Compact Binary Coalescences | B.P. Abbott et al.; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1078 |
 | 2018-10-15 | GW170817: Measurements of Neutron Star Radii and Equation of State | B.P. Abbott et al.; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1168 |
 | 2017-10-16 | GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1096 |
 | 2019-09-04 | GWTC-1: A Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog of Compact Binary Mergers Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First and Second Observing Runs | 배상욱; 강궁원; LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration | 858 |
 | 2018-07-27 | HTCondor 실습교재 | 배상욱; 류건모; 공병윤; 안상언; 노서영 | 1137 |
 | 2019-06-27 | Narrow-band search for gravitational waves from known pulsars using the second LIGO observing run | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; 배상욱; 강궁원 | 602 |
 | 2017-12-01 | On the Progenitor of Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817 | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1144 |
 | 2017-06-27 | Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 in the first Advanced LIGO observing run with a hidden Markov model | The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration(1045 authors); 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1109 |
 | 2017-06-12 | Search for high-energy neutrinos from gravitational wave event GW151226 and candidate LVT151012 with ANTARES and IceCube | ANTARES Collaboration, IceCube Collaboration, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and Virgo Collaboration; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1197 |
 | 2017-07-11 | Search for intermediate mass black hole binaries in the first observing run of Advanced LIGO | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1158 |
 | 2018-12-07 | Search for sub-solar mass ultracompact binaries in Advanced LIGO's first observing run | B.P. Abbott et al.; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1129 |
 | 2018-05-16 | Search for Tensor, Vector, and Scalar Polarizations in the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background | B.P. Abbott et al.; 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1197 |
 | 2017-09-20 | Upper Limits on Gravitational Waves from Scorpius X-1 from a Model-based Cross-correlation Search in Advanced LIGO Data | LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration(1047 authors); 강궁원; 배상욱 | 1093 |
 | 2020 | 대용량 실험데이터 국내외 활용 동향 | 박형우; 이형진; 류건모; 배상욱; 윤희준 | 535 |
 | 2019 | 대용량데이터센터 구축 및 운영 | 윤희준; 박형우; 진두석; 여일연; 이형진; 유정록; 이승희; 김진; 조규진; 나상호; 안성언; 김정헌; 배상욱; 류건모; 한희준; 공병윤; 이보영; 황순욱; 이식; 홍태영; 이혁로; 노민기; 김진숙; 허태상; 조부승; 최윤근; 허영주; 정용환; 고동건; 윤준원; 정민중; 육진희; 고명주; 노서영 | 685 |
 | 2020 | 대용량데이터센터 구축 및 운영 | 윤희준; 박형우; 진두석; 여일연; 이형진; 유정록; 정희석; 이승희; 김진; 조규진; 나상호; 안상언; 김정헌; 배상욱; 류건모; 한희준; 공병윤; 이보영; 황순욱; 함재균; 이식; 최윤근; 김찬기; 윤준원; 고동건; 조부승; 이혁로; 정민중; 박진형; 노민기; 황혜경; 박재원; 조금원 | 679 |
 | 2021 | 대형연구장비 기반 데이터컴퓨팅 인프라 구축 및 서비스 | 윤희준; 박형우; 진두석; 여일연; 이형진; 유정록; 정희석; 이승희; 김진; 조규진; 나상호; 안상언; 김정헌; 배상욱; 류건모; 한희준; 공병윤; 이보영; 이식; 이상민; 조금원; 윤준원; 조완우; 정민중; 이혁로; 노민기; 김승해; 최윤수; 이석형; 김재훈; 박재원; 한상준 | 754 |
 | 2022 | 대형연구장비 기반 데이터컴퓨팅 인프라 구축 및 서비스 | 윤희준; 박형우; 진두석; 여일연; 유정록; 정희석; 이승희; 김진; 조규진; 나상호; 안상언; 김정헌; 배상욱; 류건모; 한희준; 이보영; 이식; 정민중; 윤준원; 조완우; 서정현; 한성근; 김후성; 이형진; 이혁로; 최광남; 공병윤; 박찬진; 이석형; 서동민; 최성배; 박재원; 김재훈; 한상준; 박진형; 한문희; 김유신; 주원균 | 419 |
 | 2017-01-03 | 모음 제거 기반 인덱스 생성 방법 및 장치 | 쟈이카 아몰 힌두라오; 노서영; 배상욱; 안상언; 김진 | 853 |