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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
2017-04-29Data mining-based variable assessment methodology for evaluating the contribution of knowledge services of a public research institute to business performance of firms최정섭정명기김병훈박훈유재영정용일한혁1234
2015-02-15Graph kernel based measure for evaluation the influence of patents in a patent citation networkAndrew RodriguezMyong K. Jeong고병열김병훈이재민1163
2017-51 2017년 STAR-Value 5.0 plus 메뉴얼.pdf.jpg2017-07-13STAR-Value 5.0 PLUS 시스템 매뉴얼박현우이종택성태응김병훈934
2016-02-01Step-Down Spatial Randomness Test for Detecting Abnormalities in DRAM Wafers with Multiple Spatial Maps김병훈동승훈장인갑정명기정영선1049
2015-11-05System Informatics: From Methodology to ApplicationsKang Zhao김병훈1064
2018-04-16유사기업 선정 기반의 시장 규모 및 예상 매출액 추정 장치 및 방법성태응박현우전승표이종택김병훈810
