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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
Shin_v7n1_6-16.pdf.jpg2019-03-30Journal Publishing and Authorship in Library and Information Science by Early Career Researchers in South KoreaShin, Eun-Ja1203
KCI vs. WoS - Comparative Analysis of Korean and International Journal Publications in Library and Information Science.pdf.jpg2021-09-30KCI vs. WoS: Comparative Analysis of Korean and International Journal Publications in Library and Information ScienceYang, KidukLee, HyekyungKim, SeonwookLee, JongwookOh, Dong-Geun1284
Oh_Park_v6n4_39-53.pdf.jpg2018-12-30Topics and Trends in Metadata ResearchOh, Jung SunPark, Ok Nam1397
