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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
Discovery Layer in Library Retrieval_ VuFind as an Open Source Service for Academic Libraries in Developing Countries.pdf.jpg2022-12-30Discovery Layer in Library Retrieval: VuFind as an Open Source Service for Academic Libraries in Developing CountriesRoy, Bijan KumarMukhopadhyay, ParthasarathiBiswas, Anirban985
E1JSCH_2013_v1n3_12.pdf.jpg2013-09-30Interactive Information Retrieval: An IntroductionPia Borlund1251
제41호, NDSL 연구자 정보검색 유형 분석.pdf.jpg2014-05-31NDSL 연구자 정보검색 유형 분석이태석신수미유수현이선희이은정김혜선1487
Shaburova_V7(3)_21-30.pdf.jpg2019-09-30Operational Experience in DB “TERMIN"Shaburova, Natalya Nikolaevna1660
Survey of Automatic Query Expansion for Arabic Text Retrieval.pdf.jpg2020-12-30Survey of Automatic Query Expansion for Arabic Text RetrievalFarhan, Yasir HadiNoah, Shahrul Azman MohdMohd, Masnizah1313
E1JSCH_2017_v5n4_6.pdf.jpg2017-12-29Users' Understanding of Search Engine AdvertisementsDirk Lewandowski1460
2008-12시맨틱 정보 서비스 기술 개발한선화박동인성원경윤화묵정한민최윤수최성필김평진두석김광영이민호강남규윤정선이석형김한기정창후황미녕이미경조민희최호섭이승우강인수이왕우구회관김재한김주희이선희배진영이미영이진호선상진1277
2007-12차세대 정보유통 기술 개발 연구한선화박동인성원경윤화묵정한민김광영김진숙김평서정현진두석윤정선최성필최윤수김한기강남규이미경이민호이석형정창후조민희황미녕강인수서정해이승우이왕우최호섭구남앙구희관김주희배진영이선희이진호황윤정1165
2009-12차세대 정보유통 핵심기술 연구·개발류범종윤화묵정한민최윤수김진숙김평최성필진두석김광영여일연이석형한희준정창후황미녕이미경조민희이승우최호섭김재한구희관신민옥이왕우이진호904
