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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
E1JSCH_2016_v4n4_4.pdf.jpg2016-12-30A Unified Framework of Information Needs and Perceived Barriers in Interactive Video RetrievalDan Albertson1221
Shaheen_Hu_Hui_Lin_v7n1_17-28.pdf.jpg2019-03-30Dengue-related Information Needs and Seeking Behavior of the General Public in SingaporeShaheen, MajidHu, YeHui, Yik TanLin, Xinying1183
Yoon_Taylor_Kim_v6n4_54-64.pdf.jpg2018-12-30Information Needs of Korean Immigrant Mothers in the United States for Their Children's College PreparationYoon, JungWonTaylor, NatalieKim, Soojung1243
