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FileIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)View
E1JSCH_2013_v1n1_54.pdf.jpg2013-02-28A Study on Behavioral Traits of Library and Information Science Students in South IndiaS. BaskaranB.Ramesha BabuS. Gopalakrishnan1294
E1JSCH_2017_v5n2_62.pdf.jpg2017-05-31Assessment of Mechanical Engineering Research Output using Scientometric Indicators: A Comparative Study of India, Japan, and South KoreaD.M. PattanashettiN.S. Harinarayana1268
E1JSCH_2017_v5n1_47.pdf.jpg2017-03-30Job Satisfaction among Library and Information Science Professionals in India: A Case StudyPandita Ramesh1266
E1JSCH_2018_v6n1_31.pdf.jpg2018-03-30Measurement of Global Nursing Research Output: A Bibliometric Study (1996-2015)Shivendra SinghRamesh Pandita1315
E1JSCH_2014_v2n1_22.pdf.jpg2014-03-30Publication Trends and Citation Impact of Tribology Research in India: A Scientometric StudyP. RajendranB. ElangoJ. Manickaraj1364
